Geography and the landscape of the heart Home is two places, and anybody can see a heart leaned up against itself leaves a gap in the middle. There is the Cumberland river country, a wrinkled bit of geography in southcentral Kentucky where steep hardwood ridges cradle skinny hollows pushed out by enterprising settlers. The other…
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Men and Other Problems
Received an email recently noting that my favorite authors are “white men.” (The emailer found a list of author-mentors on my website.) This, I took the liberty to infer, was an accusation. It put me, a white man, in a circular conversation with other white men, who have historically held and wielded power. This might…
The Table Where I Belonged
This essay was first published on the on 16 February 2024 On a typical morning in my childhood, I wake and trudge down to the barn to help Dad with the farm chores: chickens, two horses, a milk cow, a dog, a pig or two. I am often conveniently fifteen minutes late. When we arrive…
What a Wonderful World
According to the digital thermometer it is six below, Fahrenheit. The horizons are crystallized in a band of orange and contrasted with the deep blue of the sub-arctic sky. The sun is out of sight now, but while the land is in shadow, the clouds over the mountains refract the last rays of the sun…